A World in 13 Items

I AM ALIVE AND SO IS THIS BLOG. And what better way to celebrate my resplendent vivification than to swing into a blog-challenge, fashionably late?

1: Bearskin cloak, head intact.

2: Sabatons molded into bewildered faces.

3: Saddlebag full of fragrant white moss.

4: Honeycomb, fat as a fist, wrapped in oiled leather.

5: Book of daily prayers, held together with homespun thread.

6: Crow, friendly, missing a foot.

7: Handful of tarnished silver rings.

8: Lifelike golden mask of a bearded king.

9: Wooden sword hewn from an enormous rose-thorn, smaller spines sprouting out of the pommel.

10: Tower-shield, its face heavy with rot-smelling arrowheads.

11: Heavy ceramic flask painted with a black sun.

12: Lock of soft, dark hair, bound with a silver chain. 

13: Necklace of decayed, severed hands, strung on a rope. 

Well that was fun. Perhaps I'll dive deep into the challenges of the past, milking them for creative initiative. Who can say.

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